Friday, October 17

Tip: convert Word 2007 documents into another format

Greetings. I realize that not everyone in computer world has Office 2007, for whatever reason, be it switching to the Ribbon or something else. That's why the following tip from the Fred's Head Companion on Convert Microsoft DOCX Files to HTML caught my attention. This tip does a good job of describing the site to use and the process. What it doesn't mention is that not only can you convert to HTML, but also to other common formats, such as plain text, rich text, Word 2003 (.doc), and many others. This would be a great site, the one mentioned in the tip that is, to bookmark and keep on hand for those coworkers or friends who don't use Word 2007, or if you simply don't want to have to mess with any extra stuff that Word 07 might throw in. By the way, it's worth mentioning that various kinds of formatting will be stripped out, however, other formatting will remain, such as font styles, tables, underline, and others. This is one of those ideas that makes me ponder, "I wish I had thought of that." Enjoy.

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