Friday, September 2

Another Plea for Help

Greetings. I received this late last night on several NFB related email lists that I am on, and thought it worth putting here. Here's another option to give your money to in this time of need. The note speaks for itself.

I have spoken with the Federation of the Blind people in Louisiana and the stories are as bad as one may imagine. If those of you can and want to make a donation please send to the address below.
I have been assured that the money will go 100% to the families. Currently the Louisiana Center for the Blind is caring for 4 dozen refugees who are blind, every however the Red Cross is bringing people to them as they can, there are blind people who are stranded in parts of the area that the Federation of the Blind people are trying to get to them. I know that all kinds of people are stricken in the same way, blind or sighted. However, this is one organization that you can give to and know that your monetary contribution directly goes to the
Thank you

Pam Allen
National Federation of the Blind of Louisiana
101 South Trenton Street
Ruston LA 71270
Phone: 318 251 2891

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

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