Sunday, October 23

Initial Impressions

Greetings. For all of yesterday and last night, as well as this morning, I was at the National Federation of the Blind of Texas's state convention, which was in Dallas this year. Though this made it easier on travel costs, I ended up paying a lot in total cab fare. Anyway, before I crash for a quick nap before the Cowboy game in a little while, I wanted to give some initial thoughts. I took some notes during the sessions so I'll have other things to write later.

First, one of the big things that will be happening in a matter of months is the Dallas morning News will be added to the Newsline for the Blind service, where you can call a toll-free number (after you register), and hear any one of 200 national/local papers read through computer speech. The best thing about this is that you can read any part of the paper, so there's no more of listening to someone read what they think is interesting. Anyway, the Morning News will be added in a few months, in time for next summer's national NFB convention which will be in Dallas as well.

Second, I was asked by the president of the NFB's Texas student division to participate in another seminar next April. I've been asked to participate in these before and I always enjoy doing it. I don't want to say too much more, mainly because I need to get the details from him about what I'm to talk about, etc. But I will advertise the dates/times and location of the seminar when I know myself.

There's a few other things, but that's about all I feel like writing at the moment. I'm tired. I'm off to bed for awhile. It was a great convention all around.

Hook 'em Horns!

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